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Who Planted the Banana Tree in Front of My Window

for Soprano, Flute and PIano

about 3 mins

Who Planted the Banana Tree in Front of My Window
截屏2022-11-26 17.28_edited.jpg

Who Planted the Banana Tree in Front of My Window used Chinese poem of Song Dynasty which created by Li Qingzhao, an outstanding female poet. Through observing the banana tree in front of her window, listening to the rain patterns on the window, which reminds her about the war, her died

husband and her own hometown, and also gives her a strong feeling of sorrow and sadness. I choose soprano to be the narrative instrument, flute and piano to be the polyphony line. Alsouse some method to mimic the situation described in the poem.

When I was a child, my grandparents taught me how to read and understand a lot of the poetries. So, this piece is dedicated to them.

“窗前谁种芭蕉树” 采用宋代杰出女诗人李清照的诗句。通过观察窗前的芭蕉树,聆听雨打窗棂的声音,使她联想到战争、死去的丈夫和自己的故乡,死亡的丈夫和自己的故乡,也让她感受到了浓浓的哀愁和伤感。我选择女高音作为叙事乐器,长笛和钢琴作为复调线条。此外,我还采用了一些方法来模仿诗中描述的情境。


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