The Spirit of the Mountains
for Percussions, Cello, Acousmatic voices and Dance
about 5'20''
Excerpts live performance video about 30''
⼭⻤" (Shānguǐ). " The Spirit of the Mountain: A Dance-Inspired Musical Creation”
The Spirit of the Mountain 是⼀⾸與編舞師共同合作完成的項⽬,於2024年完成。
在舞蹈staging⽅⾯,The Spirit of the Mountain融⼊了⼀部分中國傳統舞蹈——儺舞的元素。儺舞是⼀種中國古⽼的祭祀舞蹈,⼈們在祭禮時戴上特殊的⾯具,裝扮成⻤神的樣⼦進⾏舞蹈,以此祈求⾵調⾬順,國泰⺠安。
Drawing inspiration from the ancient Nuo dance, The Spirit of the Mountain is a collaborative choreographic project scheduled for completion in 2024. The lyrical foundation is derived from Qu Yuan's seminal work, Nine Songs: The Ghost of
the Mountain. This poem depicts a mountain deity, vibrant and emotionally complex, yearning for a lost love. The emotional arc of the piece traverses joy, sorrow, and ultimately profound lament, vividly portraying the ghost's longing and isolation.
The choreography incorporates elements of the traditional Nuo dance, a masked ritual performance where participants embody spirits and deities to petition for good fortune and tranquility. The soundscape utilizes a variety of percussion
instruments, initially reflecting the mountain ghost's daily activities, while simultaneously establishing the piece's distinctly Eastern character. Additionally, the cello evokes the sounds of the forest and its inhabitants, fostering a seamless and
organic blend with the vocals and percussion. The layered vocals further emphasize the seemingly free yet intrinsically sensitive and sentimental nature of the mountain ghost, highlighting the complexities of its emotions and inner turmoil, culminating in a dramatic and emotionally charged climax.
The Spirit of the Mountain transcends the boundaries of a simple dance performance, transforming into an artistic exploration. It masterfully integrates traditional cultural elements with contemporary artistic expression, promising a novel and captivating aesthetic experience for the audience.