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Ruinenlust 残桓

​​for Double Bass Duo and Electronic, Installation

6'10'' for piece.  Loop as long as needed as Installation

The German term Ruinenlust, the desire and fascination for broken walls and abandoned places, echoes in the depths of my psyche. Ancient or colossal structures, their grandeur now reduced to skeletal remains, often haunt my dreams, casting long shadows upon the anxieties of the present. These visions awaken a melancholic contemplation, a poignant reflection on the inexorable passage of time. It is an emotional response rooted in reverence for the past, a yearning for bygone eras that fuels a quiet rebellion against the relentless march of modernity and the cult of innovation. This profound, enigmatic emotion is a complex tapestry woven from threads of nostalgia, awe, and a touch of melancholy.

德⽂ Ruinenlust ⼀词,即对断壁残垣和废弃场所的向往和迷恋,在我的⼼灵深处回荡。我经常在梦中感受到这种强烈的情绪。古⽼或巨⼤的建筑,它们的宏伟如今已化为骸⻣,为当下的焦虑投下⻓⻓的阴影。我感受到了⼀种独特的美,仿佛在断裂与荒废中依然隐含着某种⽣机与故事。在我看来,这是⼀种基于过去价值观的情感反应,深深植根于对历史的认同与反思。它代表着我对现代主义与创新崇拜的持续反叛与沉思。在这个快速发展的时代,许多⼈对新事物的追求可能会导致对传统与历史的忽视,⽽我却在这些被遗忘的空间中找到了⼼灵的慰藉与灵感。因此,这种情感不仅是⼀种对遗迹的迷恋,更是⼀种深沉、奇特⽽复杂的内⼼体验,促使我在现代与传统之间寻找平衡,让我更深刻地理解⾃我与世界的联系, 神秘,空灵且庞⼤壮观。

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